Mistyczne Wibracje
26 listopada 2022 o godz. 19:00
- woj. DolnośląskieSala Witrażowa - Stary Klasztor, Purkyniego 1
To wydarzenie już się odbyło!
Piotr Restecki powraca do Wrocławia z materiałem z najnowszej płyty HOME! Jak zwykle można spodziewać się prawdziwego one-man show, bowiem na scenie skumulują się energia, emocje, talent kompozytorski i instrumentalny, a wszystko owiane dreszczem poszukiwań coraz to nowych środków wyrazu. Zapraszamy na wieczór pełen muzycznych uniesień i niespodzianek.
Piotr Restecki to muzyk totalny, którego trudno zakwalifikować do jakiegokolwiek nurtu. Jak sam twierdzi, "wciąż poszukuje nowej przestrzeni w muzyce", w czym pomagają mu technologiczne zabawki, nowe instrumenty perkusyjne, czy użycie własnego głosu. Nieskończona wyobraźnia i chęć poruszenia publiczności sprawiają, że każdy koncert jest inny i pełen emocji. Publiczność nie pozostaje temu obojętna i entuzjastycznie odbiera twórczość artysty, pozostając niejednokrotnie z jego muzyką na zawsze.
Piotr Restecki rozpoczął swoją przygodę z muzyką od gitary klasycznej jako samouk. Kiedy jednak (przypadkiem) przejechał samochodem swój instrument, postanowił zacząć grać inaczej. W ten sposób "przesiadł się" na akustyka i wkrótce stał się mistrzem fingerstyle (spektakularnej techniki gry na gitarze polegającej na wydobyciu z jednego instrumentu efektu, jak gdyby grało kilku muzyków). Restek grywa na scenach polskich i międzynarodowych m.in. z takimi artystami, jak Tommy Emmanuel, Preston Reed czy Jon Gomm, prowadzi warsztaty fingerstyle, nagrywa dla radia i telewizji.
Piotr Restecki returns to Wrocław with material from the latest HOME album! As usual, you can expect a real one-man show, because the stage will accumulate energy, emotions, compositional and instrumental talent, all shrouded in the thrill of searching for new means of expression. We invite you to an evening full of musical ecstasies and surprises.
Piotr Restecki is a total musician who is difficult to qualify for any trend. As he himself says, "he is constantly looking for a new space in music", helped by technological toys, new percussion instruments or the use of his own voice. Endless imagination and the desire to move the audience make each concert different and full of emotions. The audience is not indifferent to this and is enthusiastic about the artist's work, often remaining with his music forever.
Piotr Restecki started his adventure with music as a self-taught guitarist. However, when he (by accident) ran over his instrument with a car, he decided to play differently. That is how he "switched" to acoustic guitar and soon became a master of fingerstyle (a spectacular technique of playing the guitar consisting in extracting an effect from one instrument, as if several musicians were playing). Restek plays on Polish and international stages, incl. with artists such as Tommy Emmanuel, Preston Reed and Jon Gomm, he conducts fingerstyle workshops and records for radio and television.
Piotr Restecki returns to Wrocław with material from the latest HOME album! As usual, you can expect a real one-man show, because the stage will accumulate energy, emotions, compositional and instrumental talent, all shrouded in the thrill of searching for new means of expression. We invite you to an evening full of musical ecstasies and surprises.
Piotr Restecki is a total musician who is difficult to qualify for any trend. As he himself says, "he is constantly looking for a new space in music", helped by technological toys, new percussion instruments or the use of his own voice. Endless imagination and the desire to move the audience make each concert different and full of emotions. The audience is not indifferent to this and is enthusiastic about the artist's work, often remaining with his music forever.
Piotr Restecki started his adventure with music as a self-taught guitarist. However, when he (by accident) ran over his instrument with a car, he decided to play differently. That is how he "switched" to acoustic guitar and soon became a master of fingerstyle (a spectacular technique of playing the guitar consisting in extracting an effect from one instrument, as if several musicians were playing). Restek plays on Polish and international stages, incl. with artists such as Tommy Emmanuel, Preston Reed and Jon Gomm, he conducts fingerstyle workshops and records for radio and television.
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