[7pm] That English Comedy Show: Skóra, Rygielski, Badr, Mbeda Ndege, Sosnowski, Raszka
22 października 2021 o godz. 19:00
- woj. Mazowieckieclub Boho22, ul. Żurawia 22
THE FIRST ENGLISH COMEDY CLUB EXPERIENCE IN POLAND! A full night of comedy! Following the amazing turnout at our last show, this time we will be hosting three shows in one night! Warmup Sessions will take place twice, followed by a unique Late Show to wrap it all up!
For those of you who are young enough to love wild comedy, but old enough to want to be in bed by 10pm rubbing painkiller cream into your knees -we have the 7PM showcase which will bring you 5 top performers from around the country, including a headliner who will be recording his English programme for publication! The show will be repeated at 9:15PM. After that, we have the LATE SHOW. Something never seen before in Poland-a live panel show- a mock game show in which points don't matter and the only right answer is a punchline. 8 fantastic comedians will face off: Warsaw vs Kraków! You can find the event for that separately, or use the discounted ticket option for both shows!
Your performers:
DAMIAN SKÓRA - Our headliner who will be recording his material has over a decade of both comedy and music stage experience. His comedy specials can be seen on YouTube and some polish streaming platforms that nobody knows. He has appeared on Comedy Central's "Comedy Club" four times. He has been making people laugh in every possible circumstance - small clubs, open-air events, theaters, arenas and one birthday party that he would like to forget.
DAVID MBEDA NDEGE - The best black Polish comedian through the virtue of being the only one so far. As a doctor, he has two dreams in life: to save somebody's life, and to kill somebody with laughter. Hopefully not the same person. You can't not like him, or he will sue you for racism. He has performed on Comedy Central, TVP, TVN and Polsat.
ANDY SOSNOWSKI - if you have been to a couple of comedy shows in Warsaw already, you can guess this one easily. He has made and performed in some films that nobody knows, and most recently, his moustache was casted in a Polish beer advert. Supporting one of the top comedians in Poland, he plays hundreds of gigs a year, so he's always on form!
ŁUKASZ RASZKA - having worked his whole adult life in IT, his personality is exactly what you would expect it to be. A regular in the Kraków scene, he's one of the best at laughing at his own mistakes and misfortunes-which also makes it very easy to constantly come up with new material.
And the show is brought to you by your hosts:
BADR LAFFAR - The co-creator and co-host of this show, he is the most explosive Syrian comedian. That's saying something. His surname sounds a bit like 'laughter'- Because it's made up. We made it up because he may or may not say things that will put his family back at home in grave danger. You have to see it-unless you're from the Saudi embassy. In that case, there's nothing for you to see here. No, really. Please don't come. At least wait for the show to be over before you take him.
DAVE RYGIELSKI - The creator and co-host of That English Comedy Show and already the biggest comedian in Poland. Deciding his 6ft5 frame made people too comfortable, he decided to lift weights to appear more friendly. Encouraged by getting 100 thousand views and 2 death threats for his Polish stand-up clip on the internet, he decided to go back to his passion-performing in English to people who can't get through his British accent.
Expect your face to hurt from laughing, making some new friends with both comedians and guests, and slurping colourful drinks courtesy of masterful Darek & Victor behind the bar!
Please note we have a tight schedule so the show will start with or without you. Please arrive promptly half an hour before show start. You will be able to come in if you arrive late, but expect to be picked on by the comedians right away!
"Następnym razem daj znać to podkręcimy xd to nie tak że nie mamy ogrzewania"
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Zostaw nam swoje dane, a natychmiast poinformujemy Cię, jak tylko nowe wydarzenie pojawi się w sprzedaży!