The Belated 5 Year Anniversary Show
13 września 2017 o godz. 20:00
- woj. DolnośląskieVertigo Jazz Club & Restaurant, ul. Oławska 13
As we here at World-Wide Comedy began preparing for our 6th season of stand up comedy in English in Wroclaw, we realized that thanks to our summer outdoor shows, The Derrek Carriveau and his Bastard Sons performing in Prague, and our fearless leader Famous Jim Williams playing shows all over Central Europe and then in Seattle USA, we never stopped to celebrate reaching the 5 year mark. So, before we embark on season 6, we're taking the time to celebrate the past 5 years with our friends and fans who have been with us along the way. The evening will feature: Famous Jim Williams, The Derrek Carriveau, Sviat Marinated, members of World-Wide Comedy, guests from the past, a 5 year retrospective, historical facts, no fake news, embarrassing memories, surprises, prizes, hilarious and diverse stand-up comedy of unmatched quality in Wroclaw's most beautiful jazz club Vertigo, and maybe... just maybe... cake.
Koncerty fortepianowe w Katedrze Marii Magdaleny we Wrocławiu!
Podwójne Szczęście
Bez wąsów
Zwariowana komedia w gwiazdorskiej obsadzie
Przeżyj miłość na nowo
Kabaret Ani Mru-Mru w najnowszym programie "Mniej więcej"
Druga część znakomitej komedii "Wieczór panieński plus"
Brzeziński, Koterski, Żukowski, Borowski, Wieszczek reż. M. Kowalewski
Szalone nożyczki - czyli kto zabił
Koncerty fortepianowe w Katedrze Marii Magdaleny we Wrocławiu!

Zostaw nam swoje dane, a natychmiast poinformujemy Cię, jak tylko nowe wydarzenie pojawi się w sprzedaży!