Album tour "Frou-Frou"
Tristan powraca do nas z kolejnym fenomenalnym albumem! "Frou-Frou" to już ósmy krążek naszych przyjaciół z zagranicy. Jak zawsze powitamy ich ciepło, serdecznie i z wielkim zniecierpliwieniem, co tym razem wybrzmi na scenie nowego Kameleona.
11.04.2025 godz.19:00
bilety: 90 PLN - dostępne na kupbilecik.
Na wspólną, dobrą zabawę zaprasza Klub Kameleon oraz Mextra - sponsor strategiczny klubu.
"Frou-Frou is Tristan's 8th full studio album. Frou-Frou in our case symbolizes fanciness in our music, with the fine combination of creativity and dedication. After all, we feel more comfortable and stronger as a band than ever. We have tried our best to, once again, put in the extra effort and foremost joy of writing and recording new material. The Tristan 'core' of the band (drummer Sebastiaan Cornelissen / bassist Frans Vollink and keyboardist Coen Molenaar) has always been keen on inviting different singers throughout the years. That won't be any different on the new upcoming album Frou-Frou. This time we teamed up with Irma Derby, who has, besides an amazing stage presence, been vocally compared to Randy Crawford, Chaka Kahn and Donna Summer. Also guitar-hero Glenn Black is added to the new Tristan line-up"
Piosenki o ludziach z duszą
Kędzierzyn - Koźle | Łukasz Kowalski - Święty Łukasz | 11.06.25, g. 19:00
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W programie "bez nazwisk proszę"
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Koncert w klubie Kameleon
Kabaret Paranienormalni - w nowym programie "Ostre Cięcie"
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