Daniel Sloss
Don't miss the stunning new show from Scotland's internationally acclaimed and award- winning comedian! Hot on the heels of last year's incredible 80 date UK and European tour, this year already Daniel has toured the US, made his New York season debut with a smash-hit run of performances at the legendary Soho Playhouse (which the New York Times Arts section put on it's front page) followed by a sold out 2 month tour in Australia and New Zealand, and performed another record-breaking Edinburgh Fringe season at the huge Conference Centre! So.....? So, now Daniel now makes a triumphant return to Europe with his brand new show 'So?" Daniel has also sold out 8 consecutive Edinburgh Fringes and tours extensively throughout UK, Europe, Australasia and USA. His TV credits include no less than five appearances on 'Conan O'Brien', 'Sunday Night at the Palladium' and 'Russell Howard's Good News'. He co-created, wrote and co-starred in Scotish Comedy Award-winningonline sitcom M.U.F.F, gave a 'Tedx' Talk (when he was just 19), released a live DVD and is working on his own pilot for Hollywood's Warner Brothers Studios. SO?... what else is new...?! 'An endearingly unabashed blend of arrogance, awkwardness and self-effacing anecdotes delivered with precision timing, perfectly-placed silence and unfettered confidence... Nothing is off limits... Sloss skillfully weaves sensitive subject matter into a hilarious tapestry of politically incorrect and sexually inappropriate zingers... his humour intelligently and ironically calling out the hypocrisy of human nature.' ★★★★ (Herald Sun, Australia) 'Funny, intelligent, charming' ★★★★ (Edinburgh Evening News)
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Zostaw nam swoje dane, a natychmiast poinformujemy Cię, jak tylko nowe wydarzenie pojawi się w sprzedaży!
komentarze wystawione przez widzów
2016-10-24 18:29:42
"Świetny występ, pierwszy raz byłam na takim stand-up- płakałam i śmiałam się jednocześnie. Niesamowity człowiek - otwarty, inteligentny. Chociaż momentami jego żarty były nad wyraz gorzkie to bardzo polecam. Śmiech jako sposób radzenia sobie nawet w najtrudniejszych momentach naszego życia."
2016-10-20 14:35:57
"Świetny występ, do zobaczenia za rok"
2016-10-20 12:44:53
"Brilliant, talented, intellectual... - thus, sardonic or bitter, its hard to say. Worth hearing, for sure. We are all wasted. Laughter is the only way to cope with it."
2016-10-20 12:08:53
"Świetna zabawa! Choć support Slossa, pod względem wymowy i akcentu bywał dla mnie momentami nieco problematyczny ;) Jeśli ktoś, z podobnych powodów, będzie się w przyszłości wahał, to ja tym bardziej polecam taką bezcenną lekcję z native speakerem!"
2016-10-20 11:57:01
"Bardzo fajny występ. Z chęcią przyjdę na kolejny. Dajcie tylko znać, gdy będzie w Warszawie."
2016-10-20 11:44:15
"great show. hilarious comics, great host, well organized show! cant wait to see whats next"
2016-10-20 10:29:47
"świetny występ, Daniel Sloss to bardzo dobry komik"
2016-10-19 17:40:28
"it was a great evening! both Kai and Daniel were amazing, hope to see them again some day!"
2016-10-19 09:58:17
"Genialny występ!"
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